Who am I? I am poetry. I am intimacy. I am a child of the living God.

Where am I from? I am from Heaven.

Why did God create my body and send me to earth? To save souls, to share the Gospel of Grace, and to lead people to know The One that knows everything about them intimately and relationally through just being who I am.

What can I do? Anything, according to God’s will for my life. ‘For with God nothing shall be impossible. ‘ Luke 1:37 KJV

Where am I going? Back home to Heaven when my assignment is finished.

I love JESUS with a PASSION, because He first loved me. ‘We love him, because he first loved us. ‘ 1 John 4:19 KJV

I truly believe that I’m loved by Perfect Love. I believe that perfect love cast out all fear, that’s why I have made it this far. God gets all the GLORY from my life. About 8 years ago, I was lost and the only ONE that could find me was my Abba Father, and He did. He poured goodness and love in my heart and life, and He changed my life. I have always wanted to know, “Who am I?” or “Why was I created?”. I searched for those answers in the world and found nothing, but heartache and pain. Only God knows the answers to those questions, because HE CREATED ME. So, I begin to get close and draw very near to Him, and over time of spending quality time with God. He answered those five questions for me. And if He did it for me, He is eagerly awaiting to do it for you. AMEN!